March 2023

Benefits of Outsourcing Your Payroll Management

Benefits of Outsourcing Your Payroll Management

Outsourcing continues to play an essential role in the strategy of worldwide businesses; despite the upheaval caused by COVID-19, companies continue exploring foreign outsourcing, according to the Deloitte 2020 Global Outsourcing Survey findings. Payroll, which is a fundamental business activity, is often outsourced, especially by larger businesses. But why do companies outsource their payroll management?

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A bookkeeper working for a startup

Things Bookkeepers Do For Small Businesses: Why Your Startup Needs a Professional Bookkeeper

5.4 million startups were registered in the US in 2021. Starting a business from scratch and then keeping it afloat is not easy. You are bound to make mistakes, and sometimes these mistakes can cost you big time. Most owners don’t want to outsource any services for their startups because they want to save money.

Things Bookkeepers Do For Small Businesses: Why Your Startup Needs a Professional Bookkeeper Read More »

Man pointing at a question mark

Tax deductions vs. Tax Credits: What’s the difference?

There are numerous ways to decrease the tax burden, with tax deductions and tax credits being the most popular ones. Many people confuse the differences in both phrases and frequently use them interchangeably. However, they’re two very distinct mechanisms. Both indeed decrease what needs to be paid in taxes, but tax deduction lowers the taxable

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